The breaker trips when too much current (electricity) goes through it, or the breaker is bad. Most often it is because too much current. Some of the causes can be:
Electrical short in the system.
When the breaker is reset it either trips right then or when the system is turned back on.
Bad Breaker
When the breaker is reset, It can trip soon or after running awhile.
Dirty Condenser Coils.
When the breaker is reset, will probably run for a while before tripping. Also, a bad condenser fan motor can cause this.
Compressor has problems.
The compressor could be having a hard time starting. Sometimes a hard start kit will help it start. Today’s modern compressors usually do not need help starting. If they do, the manufacture will have one on it. One can be added and maybe prolong the life of the compressor.
If you are have to reset the breaker more than once please call us so we can find the problem for you.